Monday, May 22, 2006

Availability list 22/05/06

A new Availability list is done go to to Download it.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Availability list 10/05/06

A new Availability list is done go to to Download it.

Notes and News May 06

We are again taking orders for Clematis armandii and its two varieties ‘Apple Blossom’ and ‘Snowdrift’ for delivery in 2007. These are grown to order for us so we need to have your order in as soon as possible; there is a (quite high) ceiling on the number of ‘Apple Blossom’ we can get so, if necessary, we will ration these out among orders received by the end of May. Please note that we will need to deliver these to you in early March next year, as we cannot hold them for any length of time because they grow so fast at that time of year and are easily damaged. I have heard that Holland is awash with seed-raised C. armandii available at a knock-down price but there are two major drawbacks to these which should stop them affecting demand for our cutting-raised real McCoy. Firstly they won’t flower when young, and secondly the flowers will not be as good. Our price will be £2.20 -£2.50 according to quantity and there will be an option to take them this autumn.

Another area where the Dutch are dominant is Aucuba but what they don’t offer (or didn’t) is A. ‘Crotonifolia’, which can be a good plant. There are a number of clones, including a male one (Hillier’s manual says it is a male clone) and females which don’t berry freely but the clone we are now offering carries good crops of berries. It doesn’t seem to bear any male flowers so presumably it is self-fertile (or does it depend on the proximity of male such as ‘Golden King’?). The leaves are predominantly gold, splashed with other shades and is not prone to reversion. Aucubas thrive in shade and tolerate drought.

While on the subject of drought (as I write this there is a deluge outside: did Tony Blair appoint a minister for drought in his cabinet
meltdown?) Phormiums, which are popular at the moment anyway, are the ultimate survivors for a dry season in planters or in the ground. We still have a good range available, including the relatively new ‘Alison Blackman’ which is both different to anything that is already on the market and quite interesting – being predominantly gold with stripes of various colours.

I know that 2006 has only just got going, but we are already propagating for next year and so we need your orders for those items that are listed in the catalogue as ‘To order only’. By the end of May the window of opportunity will have passed for only a few items, but during June we should be doing a large tranche of deciduous shrubs. If you would find it helpful we can send you the list of the ‘to order only’ items, marked with the last chance dates, for you to use as an order form.

Ribes have finished flowering and I always wonder why Ribes x gordonianum is not more widely grown. It is a hybrid between R.sanguinem (the common one) and R. odoratum which in itself is a pretty shrub with yellow flowers. R. gordonianum has flowers which are bronze-red on the outside, yellow on the inside and they are broader than e.g. R. ‘Pulborough Scarlet’.

Following this sheet you will find a short list of surplus stock plants that we have for sale. This list is continually evolving so if you place an order we will let you know if anything else has become available. They are priced to clear and give you the opportunity to do something with them and still make a margin. Delivery is normally included in the price assuming we are delivering
liners to you anyway, but we will let you know if we need to make a charge.

Surplus stock plants

We have a range of stock plants surplus to our requirments as follows:
  • 87 Yucca Ivory 1 Litre Strong crowns with many toes, recently potted on from 1 litres so £2.00 will make very good plants.
  • 71 Arundo donax 'Variegata' 7.5 litre Need to be potted on, but will make stonking specimens £2.00
  • 26 Arundo donax 7.5 litre Need to be potted on, but will make stonking specimens
  • 50+ Sasaella glabra 'Albostriata' 5 litre For planting or potting on, as they have been in these pots too long. £3.50
  • 50+ Indocalamus tesselatus 5 litre For planting or potting on, as they have been in these pots too long. £3.50
  • 3 Cornus alba 'Aurea' 3 litre £1.50
  • 18 Actinidia Hayward (female) 3 litre £2.00
  • 15 Actinidia Tomuri (male) 3 litre £2.00
  • 3 Sedum Frosty Morn 3 litre £1.25
  • 20+ Trachelsospermum jasminoides 'Variegata' 25 litre £6.00
  • 13 Escallonia illinita 3 litre For plantingto make a pretty evergreen hedge. £1.50
  • 12 Salix myrsinifolia 5 litre Black stemmed willow £2.00

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Availability list 03/05/06

A new Availability list is done go to to Download it.