More varieties of Fuchsias are appearing on the list now and we do have a handy crib sheet available. We have chosen these either because they have newly received the AGM or because they were recommended to us as a result of the RHS trial. All are ‘hardy’ varieties and it will be interesting to see over the course of time if any can challenge the supremacy of Mrs Popple, Tom Thumb and the like. We will supply 5 per variety at 50p each if you want to try new ones.
At the risk of teaching the sucking of eggs we have had a number of comments about leaf problems on Phormiums – damage starts as streaks that develop into unsightly holes. The problem is fungal, but can be largely prevented by attention to keeping the leaves as dry as possible – if you are not using sub-irrigation then make sure you water early in the day and that, under protection, there is adequate ventilation to reduce the humidity.
Over-wintering outside is risky, and under cover make sure the plants are not being dripped on. We use Octave if we think a problem might be developing.
There has been a rapid increase in the ease of plastic recycling and because we can now only use a certain amount of used pots we would prefer not to take pots back unless you find you cannot get them recycled (we can give you a good contact). However we do like to have our marketing trays returned if possible.
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