Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Sun was shinny somewhere, honest.

Sunny or rainy bank holiday things are revving up. Find a space look at the availability list, get in touch. Easy eh.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Stock plant retirement plans

A new Availability list is available.www.jackdawsfield.co.uk/down.html 

The surplus stock plant list needs recompiling but we definitely still have about 15 of the Rosa banksiae Lutea in 7,5 litres on three canes. These are well furnished plants in flower and bud and much as we are enjoying them they need to be in front of your customers. £12.50 each.

We also have more Ficus Brunswick than we need. These are in 25 liters, cut back but now is a good time to move them before they get too large. Also £12.50 each