Saturday, May 31, 2008


If you are using our plants for immediate sale then we can supply reasonable numbers of Dieramas which are in flower. Currently it is D.riparia and D. mossii which are the most colourful, both are the ‘standard’ deep pink and stand about 1m overall.

Primary colours an update.

I knew my musings on genera which have pure-coloured flowers in all three primary colours would produce an informed response. One customer scored with Primula, Meconopsis and Corydalis (google ‘red corydalis’ under images if you are sceptical), and two pointed out that Penstemon pinnifolius has pure yellow flowers. Nobody, however, has identified the Vinca

Thursday, May 29, 2008


A new Availability list is done. Go to to Download it or e-mail and ask to be sent one automatically as soon as a new list is done.

Also a new Highlights sheet is also at

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cordyline Southern Splendour

Two pictures of a new pink Cordyline - Southern Splendour.
It is priced on the availability list but this is negotiable forlarge quantities. At the moment there are several thousand available. We look forward to hearing from you.

Availability time!!!

A new Availability list is done. Go to to Download it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

New Availability list ready

A new Availability list is done. Go to to Download it.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Availability time again.

A new Availability list is done. Go to to Download it.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Why do I not get through on the phone to you when I use 1471 (or return your call on a mobile)

A. Our phone system dials out on our fax number (01403 891113) in order to reduce the chances of the phone number (two lines on 01403 891473) being engaged. It hasn’t been a big problem so far this year but it does make a difference when things are busy. We have just modified the phone layout as well, so that we are not so dependent on our cordless extension. This can only handle one call at a time, so a second call can go unanswered, but this shouldn’t now happen except in very rare circumstances.


Clematis armandii, C. a. ‘Apple Blossom’and C. a. ‘Snowdrift’ can still be booked for delivery in April 2009. £2.30 for 200+, £2.35 for 60-199 and £2.40 for 20-59.

Bearded irises

We are thoroughly enjoying the flowering of our stock plants of bearded irises – such a range of colours and forms with the benefit of scent. You may have missed the boat for this year’s flowering, but there is plenty of time to grow some for next year! We will have a complete set of images should you need them. Is there a group of plants that have the full range of colour including the three pure primary colours? Irises don’t do pure red: roses, dahlias and tulips don’t do pure blue (despite claims to the contrary), penstemons don’t do yellow. No prize offered but correspondence welcome.


For years I believed that the Viburnum x bodnantense varieties were an improvement on their parents but experience here doesn’t bear that out. V. farreri flowers from October right through the winter and its flowers are fragrant, plentiful and frost resistant. Although it could eventually become enormous it responds well to hard pruning keeping a narrowly erect form that will fit in a small space.